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Name: Logan Jeanny

Adress: 20 Rue Montesquieu - 69007 Lyon, France


Phone: +33 6 79 93 17 91

Date of Birth: October 13 1992

Web Page: LinkedIn profile

Shipped Game


- Aries 3D Lyon - European Bachelor "Jeux Vidéo - Game Design" 2010-2013


- Lycée Louis Pergaud : Bac S (Similar to British A Level specialized in physics and mathematics) - 2010

Programming Languages



ActionScript 3


Unreal Kismet

Unreal Blueprint

C/C++ Basics 

Work experience

Software Skills

Microsoft Office

Flash & Flash Builder


Unity 3D



Google Sketchup & Google Layout

Tortoise SVN



Mantis Bug Tracker

2010 - present

Bruno MARION - Head of Aries 3D Video games section:


David CHOMARD - Head of studio - Big Point Lyon: Recommendation Letter


Claudiu POPA - Lead Tester - Ivory Tower:


During this job, I worked on many projects.


In their projects, I writted Game Design Documents (flowcharts, tutorial document and Game Design document). I also balanced levels of the game "Spiral Words" to create a good player's progression.


I also tested Facebook games made by the company. With perseverance and precision, I could track bugs and describe how to reproduce it.



 Game Designer (Internship), March 2014 - June 2014

In this job, I worked on the stability and the quality on the last racing game from Ubisoft "The Crew".


This job was my first experience with the newt-gen console and on a big company. I am getting used to work in this environment and with this new harware.


With my analytic skill, I can find bugs and I put them into a database.

Ivory Tower

 Development Tester , August 2014 - December 2014

Little Worlds Studio

 Level Designer (Internship), July 2013 - September 2013

During this job, I worked on non announced projects for the Monument Builder saga.


In their projects, I designed & I scripted levels with home tool level editor. I also created Level Design Documents. This projects used Unity3D. I used all my skills learnt during my last internship to succed my tasks.


2010 - present

Little Worlds Studio

​ Level Designer (Internship), February 2013 - March 2013

Shipped Game :

- Monument Builder : Colosseum (Go to BigFishGame to download) (Available on Mac, PC, IOS)

- Monument Builder : Empire State Building (Go to GameHouse to download) (Available on Mac, PC, IOS)


In their projects, I had to learn quickly home tool level editors. After that, I designed & I scripted levels using Unity 3D. I also learnt the creation of a Level Design Document.


​ Gameplay & Online Programmer (Internship), June 2012 -           August 2012

I worked on Strategic Game on web platform with theme Berlin in Cold War. Project has been cancelled. This project was on Unity 3D. I learnt multiplayer and networking programming.

QA Testing Sessions

 During my school at Aries, 2010 - 2013

In this period, I made QA Sessions with differents different companies:

- CCCP: Ludomedic (Social Game) & French Kiss - God of Seduction (Facebook Game)

- Little Worlds Studio: Fire & Forget Final Assault.


Level Design

During my studfies at Aries 3D, I learnt basics of Level Design. My passion about level design and level editors born in this school. I am able to write mock-ups 


During my internship at Little World Studio, I improved my Level Design skill. With my creativity, I wrote level design document and mock-ups, I improved my flow mastery and I can quickly learn home tool editor. Thanks to my meticulous and my attentive skills, I can develop mock-ups from scribbles to whitebox level. My experiences in level design bring me the opportunity to ship 2 PC/Mobile and 1 Facebook games as  Level Designer.

Game Design

I am able to write Game Design Document, Quick Concept or Developped Game Design Document, Flowcharts with differents costraints & for differents clients.


During my formation at Aries 3D, Many of my projects has been made in groups. I understood how team-working is important. I practice brainstorming (divergence à convergence status) & I improve my co-worker relationships with differents production hub (programmers, artists, QA).


I am able to program with differents game engines :


- Unity3D : With this game engine, I learnt to use C# & Javascript languages. I am able to program Game Mechanics & Network and use external files. I can import assets, create executable (For PC/Mac & Web) and make a projects in this game engine.


- Unreal Development Kit 3 (UDK3) : I can create levels with Basics Geometry BSP and I can script levels with Kismet. I can import assets à create executable for PC.


- Adobe Flash Pro & Flash Builder : With this game engine, I learnt to use Actionscript3 language. I am able to program Game Mechanics. I had different projects with differents supports (for PC à for IPad).

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