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Gameplay Developer - Using Unreal Engine 4


      Gold Fish Simulator is a multiplayer game realised by 7 persons during the Global Game Jam 2015. This year, the theme of the jam is : "What de we do now ?".

      Me & the group wanted to create a  fun and a competitive game. So after our brainstorming, we find our idea : "What do we do now, when you're a goldfish trying to escape from a cook in a aquarium?"


   In this game, you control a fish with a side-scrolling and at the end of a timer, the player's controls switch. The player have to memorize his new controls quickly before been cacthed by the cook.


  As a competition, you play with one of your friend in the same keyboard and you can stop your oponent to progress in the game.

     This year, I wanted to bring me a new objective during this jam. I came alone and try to developp a game with a new engine and an unknown group.


      I decided to take a look at the Unreal Engine 4, which can bring new opportunities about complex scripting thanks to Unreal Blueprint and a great graphic render.


     With my experience in Unreal Kismet and my programmation skils, I could easily programm gameplay features (moovements, switching inputs, infinite level etc.) in the last Unreal's game engine to create a fun and competitive game.

You can have more informations about the game in the Global Game Jam Website : Click Here

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